Вышла Joomla 1.7.1. Это обновление относиться к обновлениям безопасности. Кроме того, внедрен модуль тестирования многоязычности, а также добавлено несколько новых языков установки.
Всего закрыто 96 ошибок и 3 уязвимости среднего уровня.
Подробности о новом модуле и решенных проблемах далее…
Немного о новом модуле
Модуль проверки многоязычности относится к модулям админки. Чтобы увидеть его нужно перейти в менеджер модулей, выбрать модули админки, найти новый модуль и опубликовать его. По умолчанию он находится в позиции «Status».
После публикации в самой верхней панели админки Joomla рядом с количеством авторизованных пользователей появится ссылка «Статус многоязычности» (multilanguage status).
Кликнув по ней вы увидите одно из двух:
- Белое окно – это означает, что многоязычность на вашем сайте не активирована
- Содержимое модуля:
Далее разобраться не составит труда.
Исправленные ошибки
Ниже приведен список на английском:
Category |
Summary |
Administration |
Template manager missing toolbar icons |
Administration |
Detect a BOM in configuration.php |
Administration |
Moving an existing single menuitem to another menu. using the drop down in 1.7.0 * |
Administration |
Test for native ZIP in system information + some minor stuff |
Administration |
Trash option available while viewing trashed items |
Administration |
Menus caching issue |
Administration |
Users can lock everyone out of the administrator* |
Administration |
File and package installations are not updateable via the Joomla! Updater |
Administration |
Add joomlacms and cli folders |
Administration |
Menu Manager Menus issue with module assignment |
Authentication and Login |
Users Manager Log In Form Required Field Indicator |
Browsers |
global configuration broken in IE9 |
Code Style |
Fix some mistyped and @package names in the CMS |
Code Style |
Clean up admin and installation CSS |
Components |
Modules manager showing error of undefined constant COM_MODULES_ERR_XML |
Components |
[#26423] com contact - rendered extra string via var_dump() |
Components |
com_content Form View $article object that does not exist in the _prepareDocument method on line 115 |
Components |
com contact -- add finishing touches to sortname fields* |
Components |
*Wrong param in display date in category listing |
Components |
Front end article display duplication/omission when author linked to trashed contact or when two co |
Components |
*Register to read more redirects to login page not registration |
Components |
Submenu items in deeper menu-levels appear although they have no active parent item |
Components |
banner manager- clients - empty trash icon |
Components |
Warning in the search |
Components |
Banners Manager - trash icon visible when no trashed banners |
Components |
Client does not properly display in Extension Manager Update view |
Components |
Search word is required for com_search view |
Components |
Weblinks - several issues |
Database |
Session storage overflow leads to |
Database |
Category descriptions too short / no warning when truncated |
Database |
Improper datatypes in database |
Installation |
*Sample data button can be clicked twice |
Installation |
Make the installation more suitable for smaller screens |
Installation |
JUpdate target platform test |
Installation |
Remove unused view file in com_installer |
Installation |
PHP version check at installation says Joomla 1.6 |
Installation |
xx-XX.lib_joomla.ini file not installed into /language/xx-XX folder |
Installation |
Prepare 1.7.1 upgrade process |
Installation |
Problem installing with another language than default |
Languages |
Multi-language site setting new user language always to default |
Languages |
Incorrect terminology in Language Switcher module |
Languages |
untranslated string from *.xml |
Languages |
mod_languages: cache does not work properly with menu associations |
Languages |
Typo in new installation using the sample data |
Languages |
Langaugefilter plugin - wrong default for menu_association |
Layouts |
Login description containing markup displayed regardless of presence of content |
Media Manager |
Flash uploader is broken |
Modules |
Incorrect references to com_user |
Modules |
Language switcher module wrong link with menu associations when no SEF |
Modules |
Modules should be able to be saved with no position. |
Modules |
wrong file name |
Modules |
Loadposition does not load more then one module |
Modules |
No translation in title column of module manager |
Modules |
com_modules language has a typo. Patch attached |
Modules |
Syndication RSS Feeds (module) not working in Joomla! 1.7.0 Stable |
Modules |
No translation when adding extra quick icons |
Modules |
*mod_multilangstatus missing case |
Platform |
Sync more changes form platform 11.2 |
Platform |
Sync JParameter changes from platform 11.2 |
Platform |
Undefined index: CLIENT in updateradapterscollection.php |
Platform |
Unused JDate code causing "Catchable fatal error" |
Platform |
Sync more changes from platform 11.2 |
Platform |
Sync more changes from platform 11.2 |
Platform |
Catchable fatal error: Object of class DateTimeZone could not be converted to string |
Platform |
Missing return in modeladmin.php |
Platform |
Sync more changes from platform 11.2 |
Platform |
[patch] fix for router notices * |
Platform |
Favicon disappears |
Platform |
Alternative Menu Items / JCategoryNode Showing Errors |
Platform |
Sync more changes form platform 11.2 |
Platform |
Fix some minor code style differences between trunk and 11.2 |
Platform |
Improvements to batch processing |
Plugins |
Loadmodule plugin ignores its style setting |
Plugins |
Update TinyMCE to version 3.4.4 |
Sample Data |
Beez 5 default values |
Sample Data |
Fix typo in sample data (rev. #22070) |
Sample Data |
Duplicate entry for session |
Sample Data |
*Ordering column issue for _menu table in sample_data.sql |
Sample Data |
Typo in sample data |
Sample Data |
Increase at jml_redirect_links table fields old_url, new_url and referer up to 2000 symbols |
Sample Data |
Updating README |
Search Engine Friendly |
Update robots.txt due to the commit of 26793 |
Templates |
Powered By 1.6 image |
Templates |
CSS for system message should be the same in installation screen and the rest? |
Templates |
wasted space by images / javascript source files |
Templates |
Sample data module pages new styling and style corrections. |
Templates |
Inconsistency in Admin Template options - Show Site Name |
Templates |
Add stats toolbar icon |
User Interface |
Untranslated Strings DELETE="Delete" Media Manager > Details View in iframe |
User Interface |
Incorrectly labeled folder in the Media manager + Options tips |
User Interface |
Incorrect english not en-GB |
User Interface |
Incorrect english in template |
User Interface |
Improve the headings in the installation |
User Interface |
Improve english grammar |
User Interface |
Modules position filter looks odd and behaves wrongly in modules view |
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